Auto-provision a new user

  • Create a home directory
  • Create NFS export
  • Create SMB share
  • Set up daily snapshots


  • Install the qumulo api via pip install qumulo_api, or download it from your Qumulo cluster on the API & Tools page
  • set up all the variables in the cell below

In [1]:
cluster = '<qumulo-cluster>'    # Qumulo cluster hostname or IP where you're setting up users
api_user = '<qumulo-user>'     # Qumulo api user name
api_password = '<qumulo-password>' # Qumulo api password

base_dir = 'users'
user_name = 'tommy' # the new "user" to set up.

In [2]:
import os
import sys
import traceback

from qumulo.rest_client import RestClient
from import NFSRestriction

In [3]:
full_path = '/'+ base_dir + '/' + user_name

In [4]:
rc = RestClient(cluster, 8000)
rc.login(api_user, api_password)

<qumulo.lib.auth.Credentials at 0x10406fb10>

In [5]:
def create_dir(rc, name, dir_path='/'):
        rc.fs.create_directory(name = name, dir_path = dir_path)
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        print("Exception: %s" % exc_value)

In [6]:
# Create base user directory, if it doesn't already exist
create_dir(rc, name=base_dir, dir_path='/')

Exception: Error 409: fs_entry_exists_error: { ino=190000930 }

Create directory

In [7]:
dir_res = rc.fs.create_directory(name=user_name, dir_path='/'+ base_dir)
print("Directory '%s' created with id: %s" % (full_path, dir_res['file_number']))
dir_id = dir_res['file_number']

Directory '/users/tommy' created with id: 3077037032

Create 20GB Quota

In [8]:
quota_res = rc.quota.create_quota(id_ = dir_id, limit_in_bytes = 20000000000)

Create NFS export

In [9]:
nfs_res = rc.nfs.nfs_add_share(export_path = '/' + user_name,
                        fs_path = full_path,
                        description = "%s home directory" % user_name,
                        restrictions = [NFSRestriction({
                                            'read_only': False, 
                                            'host_restrictions': [],
                                            'user_mapping': 'NFS_MAP_NONE', 
                                            'map_to_user_id': '0'})]
print("NFS export created: %s with id %s" % (full_path, nfs_res['id']))

NFS export created: /users/tommy with id 6

Create SMB share

In [10]:
smb_res = rc.smb.smb_add_share(share_name = user_name, 
                           fs_path = full_path, 
                           description = "%s home directory" % user_name
print("SMB share created: %s with id %s" % (full_path, smb_res['id']))

SMB share created: /users/tommy with id 7

Set up snapshot policy

In [11]:
snap_res = rc.snapshot.create_policy(name = "User %s" % user_name, 
                                schedule_info = {"creation_schedule":
                                directory_id = str(dir_id),
                                enabled = True)
print("Snapshot policy created with id %s" % snap_res['id'])

Snapshot policy created with id 3

Clean up everything

In [12]:
rc.quota.delete_quota(id_ = quota_res['id'])
rc.snapshot.delete_policy(policy_id = snap_res['id'])
rc.smb.smb_delete_share(id_ = smb_res['id'])
rc.nfs.nfs_delete_share(id_ = nfs_res['id'])
if full_path != '/': # small sanity check since tree delete is rather powerful.
    rc.fs.delete_tree(path = full_path)
print("Everything is cleaned up!")

Everything is cleaned up!

In [ ]: